Mitglied werden 

* notwendige Angaben
Schritt 1: Tarifauswahl

Mobilschutz BASIS

Mobilschutz EURO **

Mobilschutz WELT **


Mobilschutz BASIS
Tarif: Einzel

  • Für eine Person
  • Für alle privat genutzten Fahrzeuge
54,00 €  pro Jahr

Unsere Leistungen

  • 24-Stunden-Notruf-Service
  • 2.000 Pannenhilfe-Fahrzeuge allein in Dtl.
  • Europaweite Pannen- und Unfallhilfe
    ohne Kostenlimit
  • Reise-Notfallservice
  • Beihilfen und Zuschüsse
  • Tourenplanung und Kfz-Bewertung
  • Handicap-Leistungen
  • Clubvorteile rund ums Auto und auf Reisen

Alle Leistungen im Detail 

Sicher, fair, flexibel

  • 12 Monate Laufzeit
  • 3 Monate Kündigungsfrist
  • Verlängerung um 12 Monate
  • Upgrade jederzeit möglich

Sie haben noch Fragen?

Tel. 0561 / 70 99 40 (Mo-Fr 8-16 Uhr)

Mitglied werden per Post oder Fax?
Kein Problem: Einfach PDF-Formular ausdrucken, ausfüllen und zuschicken.

¹ nur in Kombination mit Einzelmitgliedschaft

² 18-23 Jahre, Studenten bis 27 Jahre. Bei Studenten bis 27 Jahre benötigen wir als Nachweis eine Studienbescheinigung (per Post oder Kopie per E-Mail).

³ Gilt innerhalb der zweijährigen Probezeit bei Vorlage einer Kopie des Führerscheins.

Kündigung Mobilschutz
Eine Kündigung des BAVC-Mobilschutzes ist erstmals zum Ende eines vollen Jahres des Versicherungsschutzes möglich. Die Kündigung muss spätestens drei Monate vor dem Ablauf des jeweiligen Versicherungsjahres vorliegen; maßgebend ist hier der Eingang beim BAVC e.V. sowie die Allgemeinen Bedingungen für den BAVC-Mobilschutz, die mit dem Versicherungsausweis übersandt werden. Versicherer: ROLAND Schutzbrief-Versicherung AG, HanseMerkur Allgemeine Versicherung AG, Hamburg/HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung AG, Hamburg. Beiträge bitte ausschließlich per Lastschrift.

Kündigung Fahranfänger
Der Mobilschutz BASIS Fahranfänger verlängert sich nicht automatisch; wir melden uns rechtzeitig bei Ihnen um zu fragen, ob Sie den Vertrag verlängern möchten.

BAVC/bootstrap5_layout_overrides.html.twig on line 72:
Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3024
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                    class: "Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager"
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              -info: array:3 [
                "priority" => "The form rendering priority (higher priorities will be rendered first)"
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                "setter" => "A callable that accepts three arguments (a reference to the view data, the submitted value and the current form field)."
              -lazy: array:4 [
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            0 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer\ChoiceToValueTransformer {#3002
              -choiceList: Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\ArrayChoiceList {#5424
                #choices: array:12 [
                  "Mobilschutz BASIS Einzel" => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2927
                    +tariffGroupEnum: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\TariffGroupEnum {#2867
                      +name: "BASIC"
                      +value: "Basis"
                    +label: "Einzel (54,00 € pro Jahr)"
                    +value: "Mobilschutz BASIS Einzel"
                    +price: "54,00"
                  "Mobilschutz BASIS Einzel + Partner" => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2930
                    +tariffGroupEnum: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\TariffGroupEnum {#2867}
                    +label: "Einzel + Partner (80,50 € pro Jahr)¹"
                    +value: "Mobilschutz BASIS Einzel + Partner"
                    +price: "80,50"
                  "Mobilschutz BASIS Junior" => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5360
                    +tariffGroupEnum: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\TariffGroupEnum {#2867}
                    +label: "Junior (29,50 € pro Jahr)²"
                    +value: "Mobilschutz BASIS Junior"
                    +price: "29,50"
                  "Mobilschutz BASIS Fahranfänger" => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2832
                    +tariffGroupEnum: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\TariffGroupEnum {#2867}
                    +label: "Fahranfänger (1. Jahr kostenfrei)³"
                    +value: "Mobilschutz BASIS Fahranfänger"
                    +price: "1. Jahr kostenfrei"
                  "Mobilschutz EURO Einzel" => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5292
                    +tariffGroupEnum: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\TariffGroupEnum {#2918
                      +name: "EURO"
                      +value: "Euro"
                    +label: "Einzel (77,50 € pro Jahr)"
                    +value: "Mobilschutz EURO Einzel"
                    +price: "77,50"
                  "Mobilschutz EURO Familie" => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#3706
                    +tariffGroupEnum: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\TariffGroupEnum {#2918}
                    +label: "Familie (84,50 € pro Jahr)"
                    +value: "Mobilschutz EURO Familie"
                    +price: "84,50"
                  "Mobilschutz EURO Junior" => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#948
                    +tariffGroupEnum: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\TariffGroupEnum {#2918}
                    +label: "Junior (55,00 € pro Jahr)²"
                    +value: "Mobilschutz EURO Junior"
                    +price: "55,00"
                  "Mobilschutz EURO Junge Familie" => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5357
                    +tariffGroupEnum: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\TariffGroupEnum {#2918}
                    +label: "Junge Familie (76,00 € pro Jahr)²"
                    +value: "Mobilschutz EURO Junge Familie"
                    +price: "76,00"
                  "Mobilschutz WELT Einzel" => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2827
                    +tariffGroupEnum: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\TariffGroupEnum {#2845
                      +name: "WORLD"
                      +value: "Welt"
                    +label: "Einzel (82,50 € pro Jahr)"
                    +value: "Mobilschutz WELT Einzel"
                    +price: "82,50"
                  "Mobilschutz WELT Familie" => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5346
                    +tariffGroupEnum: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\TariffGroupEnum {#2845}
                    +label: "Familie (98,50 € pro Jahr)"
                    +value: "Mobilschutz WELT Familie"
                    +price: "98,50"
                  "Mobilschutz WELT Junior" => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2883
                    +tariffGroupEnum: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\TariffGroupEnum {#2845}
                    +label: "Junior (59,50 € pro Jahr)²"
                    +value: "Mobilschutz WELT Junior"
                    +price: "59,50"
                  "Mobilschutz WELT Junge Familie" => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5784
                    +tariffGroupEnum: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\TariffGroupEnum {#2845}
                    +label: "Junge Familie (84,50 € pro Jahr)²"
                    +value: "Mobilschutz WELT Junge Familie"
                    +price: "84,50"
                #structuredValues: array:12 [
                  0 => "Mobilschutz BASIS Einzel"
                  1 => "Mobilschutz BASIS Einzel + Partner"
                  2 => "Mobilschutz BASIS Junior"
                  3 => "Mobilschutz BASIS Fahranfänger"
                  4 => "Mobilschutz EURO Einzel"
                  5 => "Mobilschutz EURO Familie"
                  6 => "Mobilschutz EURO Junior"
                  7 => "Mobilschutz EURO Junge Familie"
                  8 => "Mobilschutz WELT Einzel"
                  9 => "Mobilschutz WELT Familie"
                  10 => "Mobilschutz WELT Junior"
                  11 => "Mobilschutz WELT Junge Familie"
                #originalKeys: array:12 [
                  "Mobilschutz BASIS Einzel" => 0
                  "Mobilschutz BASIS Einzel + Partner" => 1
                  "Mobilschutz BASIS Junior" => 2
                  "Mobilschutz BASIS Fahranfänger" => 3
                  "Mobilschutz EURO Einzel" => 4
                  "Mobilschutz EURO Familie" => 5
                  "Mobilschutz EURO Junior" => 6
                  "Mobilschutz EURO Junge Familie" => 7
                  "Mobilschutz WELT Einzel" => 8
                  "Mobilschutz WELT Familie" => 9
                  "Mobilschutz WELT Junior" => 10
                  "Mobilschutz WELT Junge Familie" => 11
                #valueCallback: Closure($choice) {#2998
                  class: "Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\PropertyAccessDecorator"
                  use: { …2}
          -modelTransformers: []
          -dataMapper: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataMapper\RadioListMapper {#5433}
          -required: true
          -disabled: false
          -errorBubbling: false
          -emptyData: null
          -attributes: array:2 [
            "choice_list" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\ArrayChoiceList {#5424}
            "choice_list_view" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceListView {#3240
              +choices: array:3 [
                "Mobilschutz BASIS" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceGroupView {#5744
                  +label: "Mobilschutz BASIS"
                  +choices: array:4 [
                    "MobilschutzBasisEinzel" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2823
                      +label: "Einzel (54,00 € pro Jahr)"
                      +value: "Mobilschutz BASIS Einzel"
                      +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2927}
                      +attr: array:1 [
                        "data-id" => "MobilschutzBASISEinzel"
                      +labelTranslationParameters: []
                    "MobilschutzBasisEinzelPartner" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#3592
                      +label: "Einzel + Partner (80,50 € pro Jahr)¹"
                      +value: "Mobilschutz BASIS Einzel + Partner"
                      +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2930}
                      +attr: array:1 [
                        "data-id" => "MobilschutzBASISEinzel+Partner"
                      +labelTranslationParameters: []
                    "MobilschutzBasisJunior" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#3219
                      +label: "Junior (29,50 € pro Jahr)²"
                      +value: "Mobilschutz BASIS Junior"
                      +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5360}
                      +attr: array:1 [
                        "data-id" => "MobilschutzBASISJunior"
                      +labelTranslationParameters: []
                    "MobilschutzBasisFahranfaenger" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#5456
                      +label: "Fahranfänger (1. Jahr kostenfrei)³"
                      +value: "Mobilschutz BASIS Fahranfänger"
                      +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2832}
                      +attr: array:1 [
                        "data-id" => "MobilschutzBASISFahranfänger"
                      +labelTranslationParameters: []
                "Mobilschutz EURO **" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceGroupView {#3217
                  +label: "Mobilschutz EURO **"
                  +choices: array:4 [
                    "MobilschutzEuroEinzel" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#5451
                      +label: "Einzel (77,50 € pro Jahr)"
                      +value: "Mobilschutz EURO Einzel"
                      +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5292}
                      +attr: array:1 [
                        "data-id" => "MobilschutzEUROEinzel"
                      +labelTranslationParameters: []
                    "MobilschutzEuroFamilie" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#5488
                      +label: "Familie (84,50 € pro Jahr)"
                      +value: "Mobilschutz EURO Familie"
                      +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#3706}
                      +attr: array:1 [
                        "data-id" => "MobilschutzEUROFamilie"
                      +labelTranslationParameters: []
                    "MobilschutzEuroJunior" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#5726
                      +label: "Junior (55,00 € pro Jahr)²"
                      +value: "Mobilschutz EURO Junior"
                      +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#948}
                      +attr: array:1 [
                        "data-id" => "MobilschutzEUROJunior"
                      +labelTranslationParameters: []
                    "MobilschutzEuroJungeFamilie" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#5502
                      +label: "Junge Familie (76,00 € pro Jahr)²"
                      +value: "Mobilschutz EURO Junge Familie"
                      +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5357}
                      +attr: array:1 [
                        "data-id" => "MobilschutzEUROJungeFamilie"
                      +labelTranslationParameters: []
                "Mobilschutz WELT **" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceGroupView {#3215
                  +label: "Mobilschutz WELT **"
                  +choices: array:4 [
                    "MobilschutzWeltEinzel" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#5500
                      +label: "Einzel (82,50 € pro Jahr)"
                      +value: "Mobilschutz WELT Einzel"
                      +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2827}
                      +attr: array:1 [
                        "data-id" => "MobilschutzWELTEinzel"
                      +labelTranslationParameters: []
                    "MobilschutzWeltFamilie" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#5516
                      +label: "Familie (98,50 € pro Jahr)"
                      +value: "Mobilschutz WELT Familie"
                      +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5346}
                      +attr: array:1 [
                        "data-id" => "MobilschutzWELTFamilie"
                      +labelTranslationParameters: []
                    "MobilschutzWeltJunior" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#5522
                      +label: "Junior (59,50 € pro Jahr)²"
                      +value: "Mobilschutz WELT Junior"
                      +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2883}
                      +attr: array:1 [
                        "data-id" => "MobilschutzWELTJunior"
                      +labelTranslationParameters: []
                    "MobilschutzWeltJungeFamilie" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1066
                      +label: "Junge Familie (84,50 € pro Jahr)²"
                      +value: "Mobilschutz WELT Junge Familie"
                      +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5784}
                      +attr: array:1 [
                        "data-id" => "MobilschutzWELTJungeFamilie"
                      +labelTranslationParameters: []
              +preferredChoices: []
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              -extensions: array:1 [
                0 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DependencyInjection\DependencyInjectionExtension {#5713 …5}
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                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#3214}
                "Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Form\MembershipApplicationForm" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#3004
                  -innerType: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Form\MembershipApplicationForm {#3011}
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                  -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#3214}
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                    -resolved: array:29 [ …29]
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                    -allowedTypes: array:16 [ …16]
                    -info: array:3 [ …3]
                    -lazy: array:3 [ …3]
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                    -deprecated: []
                    -given: []
                    -locked: false
                    -parentsOptions: []
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                    -prototypeIndex: null
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                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\HiddenType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#5368 …4}
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#2730}
                "Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Form\Type\StartDateType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#5484 …4}
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#5833 …4}
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\RadioType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#2785 …4}
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\DateType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#5359 …4}
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            "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file."
            "allow_file_upload" => false
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            "invalid_message" => "The selected choice is invalid."
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            "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
            "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#2798}
            "csrf_token_id" => null
            "block_prefix" => null
            "label" => "Tarifauswahl"
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            "attr" => []
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              class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension"
              use: {
                $translator: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Bundles\FrameworkBundle\Translation\Translator {#5757}
                $message: Closure() {#5898}
                $translationDomain: "validators"
            "help" => "**<small><a target="_blank" href="">vermittelt durch ROLAND Assistance GmbH</a></small>"
            "help_attr" => []
            "help_html" => true
            "is_empty_callback" => null
            "getter" => null
            "setter" => null
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            "constraints" => []
            "choices" => array:12 [
              0 => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2927}
              1 => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2930}
              2 => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5360}
              3 => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2832}
              4 => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5292}
              5 => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#3706}
              6 => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#948}
              7 => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5357}
              8 => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2827}
              9 => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5346}
              10 => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2883}
              11 => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5784}
            "choice_filter" => null
            "choice_loader" => null
            "choice_label" => "label"
            "choice_name" => Closure($choice, $key, $value) {#2800
              class: "Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Form\MembershipApplicationForm"
            "choice_value" => "value"
            "choice_attr" => Closure($choice, $key, $value) {#2850
              class: "Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Form\MembershipApplicationForm"
            "choice_translation_parameters" => []
            "preferred_choices" => []
            "group_by" => Closure($choice, $key, $value) {#5782
              class: "Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Form\MembershipApplicationForm"
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            "placeholder_attr" => []
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              class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType"
              use: {
                $class: "Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Application"
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              +applicant: null
              +partner: null
              +wheelchairUser: null
              +directDebitAuthorization: null
              +consentToBeContacted: null
              +confirmationOfValidityOfTheConsultationProtocol: null
              +finishEuropeWorld: null
              +finish: null
              +consentToBeContactedByPhone: null
              +consentToBeContactedByEmail: null
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              +pdfPathUrl: null
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              "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
              "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#2798}
              "csrf_token_id" => null
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                class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension"
                use: { …3}
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              "getter" => null
              "setter" => null
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                0 => "flow_membershipApplication_step1"
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              "flow_instance" => "Ps3pVRda3k"
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              "data" => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Application {#2934}
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                  -options: array:51 [ …51]
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              "startDate" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#5401
                -config: Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder {#5617
                  #locked: true
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                  -dataClass: "Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\StartDate"
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                  -action: ""
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              0 => "flow_membershipApplication_instance"
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              2 => "tariff"
              3 => "startDate"
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            "MobilschutzBasisEinzelPartner" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#5683
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                #locked: true
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            "MobilschutzBasisJunior" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#5709
              -config: Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder {#5460
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      +parent: Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3024}
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    "MobilschutzWeltJungeFamilie" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#5712
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      +parent: Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3024}
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BAVC/bootstrap5_layout_overrides.html.twig on line 72:
Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3396
  +vars: array:32 [
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    "form" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3396}
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    "errors" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#5312
      -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#5401
        -config: Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder {#5617
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                      0 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataAccessor\CallbackAccessor {#2976}
                      1 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataAccessor\PropertyPathAccessor {#5508
                        -propertyAccessor: Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccessor {#2887 …9}
              -typeExtensions: array:6 [
                0 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TransformationFailureExtension {#5701
                  -translator: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Bundles\FrameworkBundle\Translation\Translator {#5757 …}
                1 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation\Type\FormTypeHttpFoundationExtension {#3593
                  -requestHandler: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation\HttpFoundationRequestHandler {#3174
                    -serverParams: Symfony\Component\Form\Util\ServerParams {#3402
                      -requestStack: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack {#5736
                        -requests: array:1 [
                          0 => Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request {#826 …29}
                2 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\FormTypeValidatorExtension {#3176
                  -validator: Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\RecursiveValidator {#2795 …4}
                  -violationMapper: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\ViolationMapper\ViolationMapper {#2811 …3}
                3 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#5639
                  -translator: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Bundles\FrameworkBundle\Translation\Translator {#5757 …}
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                4 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Csrf\Type\FormTypeCsrfExtension {#5622
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                      -entropy: 256
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                      -requestStack: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack {#5736}
                      -namespace: "_csrf"
                    -namespace: Closure() {#2944
                      class: "Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager"
                      this: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#2798}
                      use: {
                        $namespace: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack {#5736}
                        $superGlobalNamespaceGenerator: Closure() {#2797}
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                  -translator: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Bundles\FrameworkBundle\Translation\Translator {#5757 …}
                  -translationDomain: "validators"
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                5 => Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Bundles\FormFlowBundle\Form\Extension\FormFlowFormExtension {#2810}
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                  "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
                  "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#2798}
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                  "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
                  "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#2798}
                  "csrf_token_id" => null
                -normalizers: array:3 [
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                  "upload_max_size_message" => array:1 [ …1]
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                  "help_attr" => array:1 [ …1]
                  "help_html" => array:1 [ …1]
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                  "setter" => array:2 [ …2]
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                  "setter" => "A callable that accepts three arguments (a reference to the view data, the submitted value and the current form field)."
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                "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
                "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#2798}
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                "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
                "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#2798}
                "csrf_token_id" => null
              -normalizers: array:3 [
                "validation_groups" => array:1 [
                  0 => Closure(Options $options, $groups) {#5641 …1}
                "constraints" => array:1 [
                  0 => Closure(Options $options, $constraints) {#5895 …1}
                "upload_max_size_message" => array:1 [
                  0 => Closure(Options $options, $message) {#2870 …2}
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              -allowedTypes: array:16 [
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                  0 => "null"
                  1 => "string"
                "attr" => array:1 [
                  0 => "array"
                "row_attr" => array:1 [
                  0 => "array"
                "label_html" => array:1 [
                  0 => "bool"
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                  0 => "int"
                "form_attr" => array:2 [
                  0 => "bool"
                  1 => "string"
                "label_attr" => array:1 [
                  0 => "array"
                "action" => array:1 [
                  0 => "string"
                "upload_max_size_message" => array:1 [
                  0 => "callable"
                "help" => array:3 [
                  0 => "string"
                  1 => "null"
                  2 => "Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatableInterface"
                "help_attr" => array:1 [
                  0 => "array"
                "help_html" => array:1 [
                  0 => "bool"
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                  0 => "null"
                  1 => "callable"
                "setter" => array:2 [
                  0 => "null"
                  1 => "callable"
                "constraints" => array:2 [
                  0 => "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint"
                  1 => "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint[]"
              -info: array:3 [
                "priority" => "The form rendering priority (higher priorities will be rendered first)"
                "getter" => "A callable that accepts two arguments (the view data and the current form field) and must return a value."
                "setter" => "A callable that accepts three arguments (a reference to the view data, the submitted value and the current form field)."
              -lazy: array:3 [
                "empty_data" => array:1 [
                  0 => Closure(Options $options) {#2806 …1}
                "error_bubbling" => array:1 [
                  0 => Closure(Options $options) {#5380 …1}
                "upload_max_size_message" => array:1 [
                  0 => Closure(Options $options) {#1072 …1}
              -calling: []
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              -given: []
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              -prototypeIndex: null
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          -dataMapper: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataMapper\DataMapper {#5414}
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          -disabled: false
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          -emptyData: Closure(FormInterface $form) {#2849
            class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType"
            use: {
              $class: "Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\StartDate"
          -attributes: []
          -data: null
          -dataClass: "Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\StartDate"
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          -formFactory: Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactory {#2979
            -registry: Symfony\Component\Form\FormRegistry {#3657
              -extensions: array:1 [
                0 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DependencyInjection\DependencyInjectionExtension {#5713
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                  -typeExtensionServices: array:4 [ …4]
                  -guesserServices: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\RewindableGenerator {#3009 …2}
              -types: array:8 [
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#3214}
                "Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Form\MembershipApplicationForm" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#3004
                  -innerType: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Form\MembershipApplicationForm {#3011}
                  -typeExtensions: []
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                  -optionsResolver: Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver {#5890
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                      "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
                      "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#2798}
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                      "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
                      "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#2798}
                      "csrf_token_id" => null
                    -normalizers: array:3 [
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                      "setter" => array:2 [ …2]
                      "constraints" => array:2 [ …2]
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                      "priority" => "The form rendering priority (higher priorities will be rendered first)"
                      "getter" => "A callable that accepts two arguments (the view data and the current form field) and must return a value."
                      "setter" => "A callable that accepts three arguments (a reference to the view data, the submitted value and the current form field)."
                    -lazy: array:3 [
                      "empty_data" => array:1 [ …1]
                      "error_bubbling" => array:1 [ …1]
                      "upload_max_size_message" => array:1 [ …1]
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                    -given: []
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                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\HiddenType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#5368
                  -innerType: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\HiddenType {#5290}
                  -typeExtensions: array:1 [ …1]
                  -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#3214}
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                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#2730
                  -innerType: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType {#2754 …2}
                  -typeExtensions: []
                  -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#3214}
                  -optionsResolver: Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver {#5317 …18}
                "Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Form\Type\StartDateType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#5484}
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#5833
                  -innerType: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType {#2782}
                  -typeExtensions: []
                  -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#3214}
                  -optionsResolver: Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver {#5831 …18}
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\RadioType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#2785
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                  -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#5833}
                  -optionsResolver: Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver {#2786 …18}
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\DateType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#5359
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            "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#2798}
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              use: {
                $translator: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Bundles\FrameworkBundle\Translation\Translator {#5757 …}
                $message: Closure() {#5862 …}
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              +applicant: null
              +partner: null
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              +directDebitAuthorization: null
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              +confirmationOfValidityOfTheConsultationProtocol: null
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              +finish: null
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              +consentToBeContactedByEmail: null
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              "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
              "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#2798}
              "csrf_token_id" => null
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                class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension"
                use: {
                  $translator: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Bundles\FrameworkBundle\Translation\Translator {#5757 …}
                  $message: Closure() {#5376}
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              "help_attr" => []
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                0 => "flow_membershipApplication_step1"
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                    "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
                    "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#2798}
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              "tariff" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#5657
                -config: Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder {#5697
                  #locked: true
                  -dispatcher: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\ImmutableEventDispatcher {#5394 …1}
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                    0 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer\ChoiceToValueTransformer {#3002 …1}
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                    "invalid_message_parameters" => []
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                    "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
                    "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#2798}
                    "csrf_token_id" => null
                    "block_prefix" => null
                    "label" => "Tarifauswahl"
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                    "label_html" => false
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                    "MobilschutzBasisJunior" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#5709 …16}
                    "MobilschutzBasisFahranfaenger" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#5530 …16}
                    "MobilschutzEuroEinzel" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#5667 …16}
                    "MobilschutzEuroFamilie" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#5659 …16}
                    "MobilschutzEuroJunior" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#5469 …16}
                    "MobilschutzEuroJungeFamilie" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#5477 …16}
                    "MobilschutzWeltEinzel" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#5481 …16}
                    "MobilschutzWeltFamilie" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#5471 …16}
                    "MobilschutzWeltJunior" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#5647 …16}
                    "MobilschutzWeltJungeFamilie" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#5635 …16}
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                    2 => "MobilschutzBasisJunior"
                    3 => "MobilschutzBasisFahranfaenger"
                    4 => "MobilschutzEuroEinzel"
                    5 => "MobilschutzEuroFamilie"
                    6 => "MobilschutzEuroJunior"
                    7 => "MobilschutzEuroJungeFamilie"
                    8 => "MobilschutzWeltEinzel"
                    9 => "MobilschutzWeltFamilie"
                    10 => "MobilschutzWeltJunior"
                    11 => "MobilschutzWeltJungeFamilie"
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              "startDate" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#5401}
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                                                   href="javascript: alert ('Angabe von >sofort<\nDie Mitgliedschaft beginnt gemäß Beitragsordnung um 0:00 Uhr am Tag nach Eingang des Antrags.');"\n
                                                   title="Die Mitgliedschaft beginnt gemäß Beitragsordnung um 0:00 Uhr am Tag nach Eingang des Antrags.">&nbsp;\n
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          "help_attr" => []
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            "Mobilschutz BASIS" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceGroupView {#5744
              +label: "Mobilschutz BASIS"
              +choices: array:4 [
                "MobilschutzBasisEinzel" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2823
                  +label: "Einzel (54,00 € pro Jahr)"
                  +value: "Mobilschutz BASIS Einzel"
                  +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2927 …4}
                  +attr: array:1 [ …1]
                  +labelTranslationParameters: []
                "MobilschutzBasisEinzelPartner" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#3592
                  +label: "Einzel + Partner (80,50 € pro Jahr)¹"
                  +value: "Mobilschutz BASIS Einzel + Partner"
                  +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2930 …4}
                  +attr: array:1 [ …1]
                  +labelTranslationParameters: []
                "MobilschutzBasisJunior" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#3219
                  +label: "Junior (29,50 € pro Jahr)²"
                  +value: "Mobilschutz BASIS Junior"
                  +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5360 …4}
                  +attr: array:1 [ …1]
                  +labelTranslationParameters: []
                "MobilschutzBasisFahranfaenger" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#5456
                  +label: "Fahranfänger (1. Jahr kostenfrei)³"
                  +value: "Mobilschutz BASIS Fahranfänger"
                  +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2832 …4}
                  +attr: array:1 [ …1]
                  +labelTranslationParameters: []
            "Mobilschutz EURO **" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceGroupView {#3217
              +label: "Mobilschutz EURO **"
              +choices: array:4 [
                "MobilschutzEuroEinzel" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#5451
                  +label: "Einzel (77,50 € pro Jahr)"
                  +value: "Mobilschutz EURO Einzel"
                  +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5292 …4}
                  +attr: array:1 [ …1]
                  +labelTranslationParameters: []
                "MobilschutzEuroFamilie" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#5488
                  +label: "Familie (84,50 € pro Jahr)"
                  +value: "Mobilschutz EURO Familie"
                  +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#3706 …4}
                  +attr: array:1 [ …1]
                  +labelTranslationParameters: []
                "MobilschutzEuroJunior" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#5726
                  +label: "Junior (55,00 € pro Jahr)²"
                  +value: "Mobilschutz EURO Junior"
                  +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#948 …4}
                  +attr: array:1 [ …1]
                  +labelTranslationParameters: []
                "MobilschutzEuroJungeFamilie" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#5502
                  +label: "Junge Familie (76,00 € pro Jahr)²"
                  +value: "Mobilschutz EURO Junge Familie"
                  +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#5357 …4}
                  +attr: array:1 [ …1]
                  +labelTranslationParameters: []
            "Mobilschutz WELT **" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceGroupView {#3215
              +label: "Mobilschutz WELT **"
              +choices: array:4 [
                "MobilschutzWeltEinzel" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#5500
                  +label: "Einzel (82,50 € pro Jahr)"
                  +value: "Mobilschutz WELT Einzel"
                  +data: Bavc\Module\MembershipApplication\Site\Entity\Tariff\Tariff {#2827 …4}
                  +attr: array:1 [ …1]
                  +labelTranslationParameters: []
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